Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kingdom Hearts III and the Nothingness.

On the night of Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 12:12am Blues had a dream...
Nothingness. Floating in it. Dark and empty like space. Not warm not cold.
I'm laying down playing Kingdom Hearts III on my TV as it rests on a floating TV stand.
This game has really good graphics, everything looks really cartoony.
Suddenly the screen becomes a swirling void, a whirlpool sucking me in.
As I get pulled into the screen I feel as if I know where I'm going. This is how it's done.

Watching from above, I look down at a game of capture the flag. Naturally the players are merely dots on a simple landscape. A narrow bridge surrounded by water, a field, and second narrow bridge surrounded by lava. Both bridges were heavily guarded by many more dots.
My dot grabs the flag and evades the opposing army. Narrowly escaping his last pursuer he runs down my bridge. Upon returning the enemy flag to our checkpoint, our checkpoint turns into another whirlpool, this time red. I get pulled from the sky into the whirlpool, but I'm totally cool with falling. While I'm being sent through a tunnel of swirling rainbow light, a scene flashes in front of my eyes. A wrist. Somebody scalpels out an arrow shape from the wrist (an arrow like a Cursor, or a directional arrow. NOT the shoot you kind of arrow). The wound bleeds and the blood streaks out of the scene and into the tunnel walls as they spin.
I land.

I wake in sunset themed nothingness on a sandbar. At the center of the sandbar lay a quadripedal beast with armour similar to that of a soldier, though made of turtle shell material. Some nerds may say it looked like Ruby Weapon, this would be somewhat accurate.
Upon standing it looked like a humanoid turtle dragon. WITH ARMOUR! So I pull out my BAD ASS swords and slay this beast in a very dramatic battle that isn't worth describing over Facebook. It wouldn't do it justice. Anywho, it dies and guess what? Dan's voice echoed from the sky and said "Wow, Josh it really impresses me how you always know just where to go next." Guess what else! As most of its being was dissolved into the nothingness, its core imploded and became another whirlpool. This time it was purple. Nifty.

I wake up floating in purple nothingness, the same nothingness as the others, only this time a world is creating itself around me. A children's park undissolves itself into existence. I take creative liberty in inventing my own words*. As it is created, so is a HUGE pile of retro videogames, such as NES SNES and N64 games and many Kirby, Metroid, Mega Man etc... I start putting them in my sweater and putting them into my suitcase (?). The world continues to build itself and as the lights flicker on and off I find myself in an underground parkade outside a thrift store, next door to a childrens indoor park. I take my games and try to get to my hotel room. - (Yeah, the hotel room. You know in the Matrix how the keymaker could get anywhere through that weird white hallway? In my dream one of the doors in this hallway was my hotel room.) So I head through the nearest door into the Matrix hallway, and pick a nearby door. Wrong one.

I'm in an arena at a tae kwon do tournament and encounter all of my ex TKD buddies. They wonder where I've been. I meet I greet I want to go home. My grade 7 teacher shows up and gives me kudos on my scholarships. DAVID DECOVNEY SHOWS UP AND STEALS MY SUITCASE. WTFS?! Yeah I was just as confused, though I was also angry. That's my childhood ambition thankyouverymuchMulder. I chase him and he pushes me into a doorway... that becomes another whirlpool. This time it's Midnight Blue. Sexy!

I wake laying on a white satin (or maybe silk) sheet, floating on the surface of the water ( it was really just a clear shimmering sparkling surface in the nothingness. It was more arbitrary glitter and shimmer than water FOR THE RECORD ) in the Midnight Blue nothingness. My sheet floated along a stream of glitter, going through large hoops and under arches, passing what would be streetlights if they were beside a street or had foundation in matter. I arrive at my destination. The final whirlpool. This time it's white.

The creature of the Midnight Blue Nothingness awakens and dissolves into existence at the center of the white whirlpool as it spews bubbles (how scary), foam (party?), snowflakes (how unique), and all the white random cute shit whirlpools spew in weird dreams. It was a really dramatic awakening and it's almost anticlimactic to say right after it woke up... I did. Sorry!

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