Saturday, September 4, 2010

Last year...

I can't seem to find this dream on my site, so I figure I might as well type out everything I remember about it...

The ship.
This dream took place on a large cargo ship. Not your average run of the mill cargo ship, but a trailerpark trailer on pontoons dragging a boating-dock behind it. The trailer was pretty shabby looking, with cardboard duct-taped to the windows. the front door was perpetually ajar, never to be fixed throughout the course of the boat OR the course of the dream. there was a ladder tied to the side of the trailer to allow access to the roofrack/deck. Call it what you will, they're one in the same in the case of a trailer. The dock was in shambles, tied together poorly using frayed old yellow rope. When I first opened my eyes to the dream world I was standing at the far end of the dock, being pulled behind the trailer.

The tornado.
the sky was a dark blue-black, very ominous and foreboding or so I found. There was a cold wind across the water's surface, cutting through me in the way wind has been known to cut. It was raining sideways and not too far ahead in the distance was a thunderstorm. Not too much farther than that there was a very. very. very. large. tornado.

The legendary pokemon battle.
In the sky above my head, two legendary bird pokemon were battling for the fate of my world. One of them controlled some element of spacetime and the other some element of nature. Things were very majestic and the two pokemon fired beams from their mouths and fire from their wings. Hypnotic mind crushing ripples from their mind's-eye.
This was surely the cause of the storm.

My death.
The only way to save my life was clearly thus: to catch the two legendary pokemon and add them to my collection. To harness their abilities and lay claim to the universe itself. I launched my pokeballs into the sky, go pokeballs! GO! ...
They merely bounced off the two fighting pokemon.
Their fight paused and they looked at me for a moment. Looked at each other and nodded. I was struck down by lightning and burst into oblivion...

Getting reborn as a giant fish.
When I awoke I was a sailboat on the waters surface. The sky was clear and bright, the wind strong enough to propel me forward, yet gentle enough to not send me astray. I reveled in this perfect moment. I closed my boat eyes and dove beneath the surface. I am I fish, a sailboat size green fish with huge lips... Ready to kiss another fish. It's mating season Missus Greenfish! Pg14 dream sequence, involving fish love of the deck of the titanic.

The alternate ending.
I shake off this dream like the creepy, wrong, foul, disgusting garbage it is and find a better place.

Getting reborn in the basement.
I'm sitting alone in a basement entryway to a house, in the closet. The zombies can't find me here. The zombies can't find me here. The zombies can't... They've found me!
I jump up and push the nearest zombie into the crowd, I smash through the glass door and run out into the field, zombies on my tail. It's nighttime, well lit by a full moon. The yard is a forest, many branch filled trees all around. It must be autumn, because there's no foliage and... and... and I've been bit.

Becoming a super zombie.
I hate this. I have no soul. No life. No ambitions. I will never amount to more than a flesh eating monster. Monster? what do I think I am, zombies aren't monsters. Monsters are cool, monsters can jump forty feet in the air. Pounce on prey and rip them to shreds with incredible predator claws. Shriek with force and instill terror in the hearts of many... I can do these things. And I jump into a tree, cry out, and take down little red riding hood. Bite me.

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