Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Elaborate Complexities of the Night

Watching Movies
As we sit in my games room watching high def movies the controller suddenly dies. We definitely need a faster way of charging it because it's pertinent to continuation of the film.
I know the best way for us to go about doing this! Let's cut off the power cord from the microwave and put the positive to the positive on the battery, and the negative to the negative on the battery. You know what next? Lets plug it in!

Swallowing Battery Acid
Needless to say that wasn't the best idea. The battery starts oozing this neon green liquid all over the carpet and as it burns through the floor, Corey says it's ionized Mercury and will make me live forever. So I pick up the battery and pour the Ionized Mercury into my mouth.
I get the worst acid reflux in my life and start dying. Falling to the floor in agony and everything. I need a good puke and how!

Trying to find Epicac
Clearly this is too serious for a hospital to handle, we need to go to CLC. When we get there, we realize it looks more like an insane asylum than a school. Following the signs we managed to get to the Medical Ward, not we just need to find someone who knows their shit.

Chartier and the enormous puke
Chartier jumps out of the vent on the ceiling and flips to land on his feet. Abnormally eccentric for his character and moving like a wacky waving arm flailing inflatable tube man, he dips into his pocket and pulls out a spoon. He pulls a lever on the wall and epicac pours from the spout on the wall into his spoon. "Take it now!" he says. So I take it and the next part of my dream plays out almost exactly like the youtube video. ( I even asked for my $500 dollars.

While I'm cleaning up my puke Selinius happens to pull up in her new wheel chair. Acting abnormally uneccentric for her character she says that our last Pokebattle rendered her unable to use her legs and I need to control my Pikachu. After a sincere apology and an explanation that the event never happened that was just another dream she said she would help me.

The pile of notes and napkins
She pulls out a big backpack from her chair's under-the-seat-compartment
and dumps it all over the ground. "These are all the notes I ever got from anyone ever, and napkins I stole from McDonald's. I'm tired of reading the notes and I have more than enough napkins back home." I thank her and clean the floor.

Alex's Birthday
Suddenly we're all at Alex's house standing in the doorway. His mom tells us to drive safe because the Tundra is a dangerous place. Confused, we start to dress appropriately. You know, by not putting on anything particularly warm. Except for Corey.

Corey and Urahara's hat
Corey must have reached into an anime for this hat, but he just so happened to be wearing a big ol' sandal hat with green stripes and a slice in the rim. After we admired it for a few minutes it was impregnated with our attention and turned into a fetus.

Corey and the Fetus
There were many moments of bickering with "Corey you're wearing a fetus" and "No it's a sandal hat" being the only phrases uttered. Corey got frustrated with our "lies" and ran out into the... Arctic Tundra? Yeah...

The arctic tundra and the jungle gym
Corey ran out into the deadly whipping snow and across the ice, fighting snow wolves and stabbing the sea creatures that broke the surface for a tasty meal. He ran until he got to the Island of Warm, and then we chased after him. The Island of Warm was a wonderful swamp-like place that kind of really sucked. Corey tagged Kristina and ran across a slippery ledge laughing, he then jumped onto the trampoline on the other side, and onto the monkey bars. Kristina turned around and tagged me and I ran to tag Corey. Well, with full intent on tagging Corey anyway.

The unfrozen swamp and the crocodile
The ledge broke away and I fell, with not much to grab onto except for the snow fence. As the plastic stretched I dropped closer and closer towards the swamp. Kristina refused to grab my hand because she thought I just wanted to tag her. I scaled the snow fence and as I placed my first foot back on the ledge a crocodile jumped out and snapped at my back releasing a low roar as it did such. I was terrified and woke up... and went back to sleep.

The person and the stairs
Some person was heading out of their gross house as I stood in the porch. Not entirely fond of this person, for some strange reason I pushed her down to the ground and slid down the stairs on her back as if she were a toboggan. I think she died.

The car that hit the ditch
Naturally I stole her car and got a bunch of tickets for speeding, hitting, and running. All the way to the highway where I hit some black ice and hit the ditch. I called roadside assistance, but that's not exactly what I got. So this big old firetruck pulls up to the shoulder and the firemen hop out... with rocket launchers?! They start blaring heavy metal music and firing rockets at the stolen car. They throw large propane tanks and nitrogen tanks into the ditch making the destruction happen like no tomorrow. Thankfully I was saved by a friend.

Jules and the Legend of Zelda
Link turns and says to me "Isn't this the coolest shit ever?". Though I'm really not sure what he's talking about, I agree. It was at this moment that Link started flipping through all the Links, old, young, Twilight, Fierce Deity, and then Jules. "I bought the TriForce, Man! It's crazy!" and he turned back into Link and killed all the firemen.

Stare at this spot if you want to wake up
Suddenly there was a spot in the top right of my dream. A voice said, stare here if you want to wake up. Stare here if you want to wake up.

v this is a dream I had that I still need to write, any guesses on what it's about? v
The Labyrinth in the basement
The Apartment complex upstairs
The Minotaur that follows
The spiraling bar and the minotaur's path
Kick the bitch
Scale the wall
Kick her again
The first room on the left and the vampire queen
The stoned vampire and the window
The cemetary

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