I was sneaking around an elementary school with my friend trying to find the bathroom.
It was a lengthy journey, filled with many jokes about the median, the mean, and the mode. What does X bar mean?! What are the odds I'll pass my statistics class?! So many of these questions remained unanswered. Then we found... the kitchen! Yes, the walls were lined with so many boxes of cookies and candies, and we ate them all with our vacuums.
We had to leave the kitchen in a hurry when the grade four Sunday School class came in. So we took the fire extinguisher off the walls and set them all ablaze and ran for the basement. It was dark, dank, and all around creepy. Those big cement-block walls with peeling yellow paint, and a spiralling metal staircase at each end of the hall. We walked about half way down the hall where we found the bathroom. I had to pee so bad... It was due to boredom. I had myself a wonderful pee while my friend and I shot the shit (verbally, neither of us needed to download a brownload). Suddenly the floor was wet. The bathroom was flooding! I tried to escape but the door was closed.
My friend had become possessed by a piss-demon, who locked the door from the outside.
We drowned.
I take no responsibility for this.